
Modern spectroscopy in the field of materials research: How does sunscreen protect our skin?

What is light? Why do we need sunscreen? How efficient is it for blocking damaging radiation? In this workshop, students learn more about light and wavelengths through a day-to-day application. They use modern spectroscopy equipment to explore how electromagnetic radiations work. Then, following a simple recipe, they make their own sunscreen using natural ingredients and test its efficiency in blocking damaging UV radiation.

Participants carry out three main tasks:

  • Discovering the principles of wave interference and experimentally measuring light maxima and minima
  • Construction of their own DIY spectrometer to observe absortion and emission spectra of different gas lamps
  • Testing their natural sunscreen by measuring the absortion and transmission spectra for different wavelengths

This full-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 3rd to 1st grade, meaning students aged 15 to 19.

Prior knowledge on the following topics can be useful for the participants: Basic understanding of wavelengths


High-tech research for better solar cells: Does the sun also shine in our labs?

How does a solar cell work? How can we measure its efficiency and power with a sun simulator? During this physics workshop, students get the opportunity to discover the answers to these exciting questions. They get a better understanding of the current research on solar cells and find out why different solar cell technologies exist.

During the workshop, the students learn through hands-on experiments how to:

  • Produce a dye-sensitized solar cell
  • Test the short-circuit current and the open circuit voltage of a solar cell
  • Measure the conversion efficiency of different solar cells with a sun simulator
  • Calibrate the light intensity and investigate the influence of the temperature with scientific equipment. (Full-day only)
  • Use different lasers to learn about the reciprocity relation of an LED and a solar cell and
    predict the emission colour of an LED only from its absorption properties (Full-day only)

At the end of the day, the results of all the groups are discussed, and the participants discover which group created the best DIY solar cell.

The workshop is available in two formats, either as a full day or as half a day.
Full-day workshop for classes ranging from 2nd to 1st grade (students aged 16 to 19).
Half-day workshop for 3rd grade (students aged 15).

Prior knowledge on the following topics can be useful for the participants: Current, voltage, power in circuits. Plus, efficiency and electrons orbitals for the full-day workshop.


CO₂ and Climate Change

In this workshop, students get to learn about CO2 in the context of global warming. They discover different ways to measure its concentration, how to detect it, and explore its role in natural processes such as the greenhouse effect.

By following the steps of an online presentation and working in small groups, the students can experiment independently in order to answer a series of scientific questions. They conduct a series of experiments on e.g. the albedo effect, thermal radiation and CO2. These activities allow the participants to discover different areas of physics, environmental science, engineering and biology.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 4th to 1st grade, meaning students aged 14 to 19.

It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.


Renewable energies

How much energy do we use? Does our lifestyle affect the amount of energy we need? Could renewable technologies provide for all energy needs in Luxembourg? During this workshop, students get to search for answers using a self-assessment process and carrying out hands-on experiments. At the end of the day, they will be able to answer these questions through their own investigations.

Participants carry out the following tasks:

  • Assessing the potential of solar, wind, biomass or human powered technologies
  • Calculating their daily energy need and learning to solve the energy balance problem using the data they generated
  • Comparing their own energy consumption to that of other people and discussing whether Luxembourg could go 100% renewable
  • Learning the difference between power and energy
  • Discovering the advantages and disadvantages of different types of renewable energies and learning that they require land surface areas.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 5th to 1st grade, meaning students aged 13 to 19.

It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.

This workshop was developed by a team of researchers from the Department of Physics and Materials Science of the University of Luxembourg in the framework of the Energy4Life project.
Discover the workshop and the researchers who created it in this video

You can find more information about this project on the dedicated e4l website.



I've got the power!

In this workshop, students learn more about power management, efficiency and energy storage. They carry out a series of experiments to discover basic concepts in physics such as force, work, energy and power:

  • Pumping and storing water to power a small turbine and generate electrical power.
  • Estimating the maximum energy transfer achieved with the system and discussing the first law of Thermodynamics.
  • Configuring small electric cars to maximize distance and speed.
  • Racing the cars using either only small solar panels or adding a supercapacitor to store additional energy.
  • Playing a board game with one objective: managing energy sources and storage to meet the demands through different seasons.

The final discussion includes reflection about the challenges linked to energy storage and power management in the face of the current climate crisis.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 5th to 1st grade, meaning students aged 13 to 19.

It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.


Adult group - Sustainability

How much energy do we use? Does our lifestyle affect the amount of energy we need? Could renewable technologies provide for all energy needs in Luxembourg?

During this workshop for adult groups, participants get to search for answers carrying out hands-on experiments. At the end of the day, they will be able to answer these questions through their own investigations.

Participants carry out the following tasks:

  • Discussing climate change in Luxembourg
  • Calculating their daily energy need and learning to solve the energy balance problem using the data they generated
  • Comparing their own energy consumption to that of other people and discussing whether Luxembourg could go 100% renewable
  • Assessing the potential of solar, wind, biomass, or human powered technologies

Please contact to discuss the organization of your workshop along with the associated cost.

More information on this project can be found at .
