Modern spectroscopy in the field of materials research: How does sunscreen protect our skin?
What is light? Why do we need sunscreen? How efficient is it for blocking damaging radiation?
In this workshop, students learn step by step how a spectrometer works through a day-to-day application, sunscreen.
They discover modern spectroscopy equipment and use them to explore how electromagnetic radiation works.
During the workshop, participants get a chance to:
- Discover the principles of wave interference and experimentally measure light maxima and minima,
- Construct of their own DIY spectrometer to observe absorption and emission spectra of different gas lamps,
- Make their own sunscreen using natural ingredients and find its SPF by measuring the absorption and transmission spectra for different wavelengths.
By the end of the workshop, students get an overview of the concepts behind modern spectroscopy and their practical applicatrions.
This full-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 3rd to 1st grade (students aged 16 to 19).
Prior knowledge on the following topics can be useful for the participants: Basic understanding of wavelengths.
