
Modern spectroscopy in the field of materials research: How does sunscreen protect our skin?

What is light? Why do we need sunscreen? How efficient is it for blocking damaging radiation?

In this workshop, students learn step by step how a spectrometer works through a day-to-day application, sunscreen.
They discover modern spectroscopy equipment and use them to explore how electromagnetic radiation works.

During the workshop, participants get a chance to:

  • Discover the principles of wave interference and experimentally measure light maxima and minima,
  • Construct of their own DIY spectrometer to observe absorption and emission spectra of different gas lamps,
  • Make their own sunscreen using natural ingredients and find its SPF by measuring the absorption and transmission spectra for different wavelengths.

By the end of the workshop, students get an overview of the concepts behind modern spectroscopy and their practical applicatrions.

This full-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 3rd to 1st grade (students aged 16 to 19).

Prior knowledge on the following topics can be useful for the participants: Basic understanding of wavelengths.


High-tech research for better solar cells: Does the sun also shine in our labs?

Solar energy is everywhere around us, but how can we use it ? How does a solar cell work? How can we measure its efficiency and power everyday objects?
During this physics workshop, students get a better understanding of the current research on solar cells and find out why different solar cell technologies exist.

During the workshop, the students learn through hands-on experiments how to:

  • Produce a dye-sensitized solar cell and compete to build the most powerful one,
  • Calibrate the light intensity and investigate the influence of the temperature with scientific equipment,
  • Use lasers and LEDs to describe the basic functioning of a semi-conductor,
  • Put solar panels in parallel and series reaching a target voltage and current to power specific items.

Thanks to this workshop, students get a better knowledge on solar energy, solar cell techonology and are introduced to the current and upcoming challenges in this research field.

This full-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 2nd to 1st grade (students aged 17 to 19).

Prior knowledge on the following topics is beneficial to the participants: current, voltage, power in circuits, electrons orbitals and nuclear shell model.


CO₂ and Albedo in the context of Climate Change

What is the physics behind global warming ? How is the Earth getting hotter?

In this workshop, students get to learn about CO2 and the Albedo and Greenhouse effects in the context of climate change. They discover properties of infrared radiation, ways to trap it and its relations to the Greenhouse effect.

In this workshop, the students discover through hands-on experiments:

  • Visible and infrared light,
  • Thermal radiation and heat capacity,
  • The Albedo effect,
  • Different areas of physics, environmental science, engineering and biology.

After this workshop, students will be more informed on the different physical processes influencing global warming.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 4th to 1st grade (students aged 15 to 19).

It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.

Prior knowledge on the following topics is beneficial to the participants: Basic understanding of light spectrum and wavelengths.


Renewable energies

Energy is everywhere around us, but we rarely experience it directly.

How much energy do we use? How does our lifestyle affect the amount of energy we need? Could renewable technologies provide for all energy needs in Luxembourg?

During this workshop, students get to search for answers using a self-assessment process and carrying out hands-on experiments.
Participants will:

  • Calculate their daily energy need and learn to solve the energy balance problem using the data they generated,
  • Learn the difference between power and energy,
  • Assess the potential of solar, wind, biomass or human powered technologies,
  • Discover the land surface area that would be occupoed by the above technologies to meet their energy demand,
  • Compare their own energy consumption to that of other people and discuss whether Luxembourg could go 100% renewable.

At the end of the day, students will be able to answer the questions raised during the workshop through their own investigations.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 5th to 1st grade (students aged 14 to 19).
It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.

This workshop was developed by a team of researchers from the Department of Physics and Materials Science of the University of Luxembourg in the framework of the Energy4Life project.
Discover the workshop and the researchers who created it in this video.

You can find more information about this project on the dedicated e4l website.



I've got the power! : Can energy storage regulate a fluctuating power supply ?

Everytime we charge our phone, use the oven or turn on the television, we consume energy, but how can we ensure to always have the energy we need when we need it ? How does our energy demand varies over the course of a day/year ? What factors influence the relevance of a method to fulfill our energy and power needs ?

In this workshop, students learn about power management and energy storage.
They carry out a series of hands-on experiments to discover how basic concepts in physics (such as force, work, energy and power) relate to crucial real-life problematics.

During the activities, students will:

  • Discover the principles of pumped hydro storage, excess energy converted to potential energy and converted into electricity when needed,
  • Participate in electric car races with aim to compare different powering methods (e.g. solar panels, batteries, capacitors),
  • Investigate the most important factors for an efficient storage and consumption of energy,
  • Get a glimpse of the challenges inherent to real life management of energy thanks to a board game designed at the Scienteens Lab.

Through this workshop, students will then gain awareness on current and upcoming challenges related to large scale energy & power management and on possible solutions to these challenges.

This half-day workshop is suitable for classes ranging from 3rd to 1st grade (students aged 16 to 19).
It can be combined with other workshops focusing on energy and sustainability.

Prior knowledge on the following topics is beneficial to the participants: Potential energy (from gravity), current, voltage, power in circuits.


Adult group - Sustainability

How much energy do we use? Does our lifestyle affect the amount of energy we need? Could renewable technologies provide for all energy needs in Luxembourg?

During this workshop for adult groups, participants get to search for answers carrying out hands-on experiments. At the end of the day, they will be able to answer these questions through their own investigations.

Participants carry out the following tasks:

  • Discussing climate change in Luxembourg,
  • Calculating their daily energy need and learning to solve the energy balance problem using the data they generated,
  • Comparing their own energy consumption to that of other people and discussing whether Luxembourg could go 100% renewable,
  • Assessing the potential of solar, wind, biomass, or human powered technologies.

Please contact to discuss the organization of your workshop along with the associated cost.

More information on this project can be found on the e4l website.
